~ Sound Meditation ~
It is now widely accepted that most illness is stress related. Therefore treatment methodologies that promote relaxation and help reduce stress can be a very effective way to prevent and treat illness.
Some of the benefits of Sound can include; Deep Relaxation, Clarity of Mind, Balance & Harmony of Body, Mind & Spirit.
Sound Therapy enables an individual to relax deeply, achieving an altered state of consciousness similar to deep meditation. It is in this state where potassium & sodium levels balance, blood pressure reduces, the heart rate calms & cellular renewal can begin.
On an emotional level & on a psychological level, we can also have a deeper insight into what’s going on for us & our current health & wellbeing.
What do you do?
Make yourself comfortable, laying down or seated, and allow yourself to receive frequencies of therapeutic Sounds in whatever way is perfect for you.
What do I do?
Through the vibrations & frequencies of Drum, Himalayan/Tibetan Singing Bowls, Voice, Crystal Singing Bowls & Therapeutic Percussion I take you on a journey to your own inner realms.
Ancient teachings from all corners of the world share a deep understanding of the power of sound, vibration & frequency for creation, healing and transformation.
​Everything has a frequency - even your thoughts, words and actions.
Vibration generates frequency which in turn produces sound & there are many proven benefits of therapeutic sound in raising awareness and letting go of the 'old self'.
Humans are made up of 70-80% water. Water is a very good carrier for sound, therefore sound literally goes right through us, gently but effectively penetrating at a cellular level, balancing, nurturing and healing mind, body and spirit.
In sound therapy practice, the most important thing to remember is the intention behind the sound. The ‘equation’ for optimum healing to take place is sound + positive intention = healing effect.
Combining carefully considered therapeutic sound techniques that have been shown to affect physiology, neurology and psychology, can be very effective at improving overall health and well-being.
​Certain tones, instruments and vowel sounds are used to gently remove blockages in the energy system, allowing the soothing tones of healing sound frequency to resonate for free-flow of prana to be resumed. The end result being balance, harmony, a space of love, connection and peace.
Wear: comfortable clothing
Bring: yoga mat, or a chair if you're unable to lay on the floor, a blanket, a cushion, journal & a bottle of water.
Important: Please arrive 15 minutes early to get settled as the door will be locked before we commence. This ensures no interruptions so everyone gets the full benefit of the session.
Check out the UPCOMING EVENTS page for details of our upcoming Sacred Sound Meditation dates & locations.
Moon, Eclipse, Equinox & Solstice Energies
New Moon, or Dark Moon, is a great time to look within and get more in touch with our true, raw self. New Moon energies are associated with starting new things or breaking old patterns which no longer serve us.
New Moons influenced by a Solar Eclipse tend to intensify our awareness of our essence and often compel us to become a fuller, clearer expression of our true selves. Think of a solar eclipse like a new moon, massively amplified.
Full Moons are associated with fruition, harvesting the fruits of our labour. Often, on a Full Moon, our emotions become amplified.
Lunar Eclipses can feel like an amped up Full moon.
On a Lunar Eclipse we can become more aware of time passing in our lives. A Lunar Eclipse is an opportunity to reset emotionally and to tune in more fully to our true feelings.
Eclipses always arrive in pairs, and coincide with a New Moon and a Full Moon. There is tremendous creative potential to an Eclipse Cycle for they awaken heightened levels of energy within us and in our world. They have a profound inward pull on our consciousness and are therefore strongly associated with spiritual development.
Circumstances often change during an eclipse cycle. Even though most eclipse cycles are only a few weeks long, the energy has a tendency to be very creative and transformative. We can of course, participate with this, or not.
Eclipses seem to bring endings and beginnings. Therefore, It is in our best interest to use this energetic momentum to conciously create the endings and beginnings that will best serve our highest self & further our unique sovereign expression, while openly allowing that which is naturally ebbing and arising in us individually.
Tuning into ourselves, and honouring what's occurring within us, are keys to journeying through an Eclipse Cycle.
The Equinox, is an ascension key. The precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices are profound and mystical aspects of ascension. We understand that the Equinox qualities tend to be balancing and support integration and equanimity. This is especially useful amidst the transformation we're all currently experiencing in this new cycle.
In working with these alignments, I am called to bring us all together in oneness, to support each other both locally & online.
Finding yourself here, reading this, is no coincidence.
Please make contact to find out how you can join our community. Honouring & supporting each other to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be.
In Unity, Love & Gratitude.
Sonic Blessings to you all,
Relle xox